Thursday, March 11, 2010

An Adventure in Egypt

On Wednesday March 3 we left for Egypt. First we had a short flight to Rome. I have to say that was the easiest part of the trip. After we left the airplane we had to wait in the airport for about 4 hours to wait for our next plane to Egypt. We had dinner while we waited. By the time the plane came it was very late. We tried to sleep on the plane because this flight was alot longer but I didn't sleep at all.

We arrived in Egypt very early in the morning and met one of our guides whose name was Osama. We went to our hotel and managed to sleep for a couple of hours. Later after we had breakfast we met another guide named Sam.

We visited the Step Pyramid and a couple temples with neat ancient Egyptian drawings on the walls. In the afternoon we visited the Three Pyramids of Giza, went inside the second one, and visited the Sphinx. Annika, Dad, and some of the students rode camels! It looked really fun.

The next day we visited some old churches and two mosques. Women and girls have to cover their hair when they enter a mosque so we wore scarves over our hair when we went inside.

That night we went on a sleeper train. We each had a roommate. My roommate was a student named Erin. I've known her longer than any other student (Though not that much longer). I didn't sleep at all that night. They woke us up at around 6:00 am when we arrived in Luxor (not as early as we thought it would be) and met another guide named Hani.

After we checked into our hotel we visited the Valley of the Kings. It was pretty neat except it was about 100 degrees Fahrenheit and we couldn't take any pictures. After that we saw the temple of Queen Hatshipsut (We call it Hot chicken soup, it's way easier to remember). It was really neat except, of course, it was nearly 100 degrees out.

We finally left for the hotel and Annika and I swam in the pool (Yes, they actually have a pool), though by then the weather had cooled down a little and the pool was absolutely freezing.

The next day we had the morning off so in the afternoon we visited the temple of Karnak. It was almost as hot as the day before, almost, but not quite.

After lunch Annika and I were really tired (not surprising) and one of the students wasn't feeling well so we went back to the hotel to rest while the others went to the temple of Luxor.

That night we went on another sleeper train (I think I actually slept on this one) and went back to Cairo and met up with Osama and Sam. We then had a three hour drive to Alexandria. Most of us took a nap along the way.

When we arrived in Alexandria (Named after Alexander the Great) we saw two catacombs (That we couldn't take pictures in) and a Roman theater.

After lunch we saw one of the biggest libraries in the world!!!! It was totally awesome! But we didn't get to spend enough time there because Osama took us to one of his houses.

We had dinner and then chatted for a couple hours. We then had to leave for a three hour drive back to Cairo so we could get to the airport on time.