Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tour of Valletta

Today we went on a tour of Valletta. We've been to Valletta plenty of times before but today we had a guide who explained it's history. She really knew alot. We learned that The walls of Valletta were built so the enemy's that approached on ships couldn't see it. Of course that didn't help in WWII.

After the tour we went to a house that originally belonged to one of the knights of Malta. The outside was very plain but the inside was very fancy. The house had two dining rooms, one for winter and one for summer, a green room, at least two other sitting rooms a small but highly decorated chapel, a nursery, a library, a small porch, a garden, and a couple other rooms I can't remember. Sadly we couldn't take any pictures.

But what I thought was really cool was when we got to go into the garden (Where you could take pictures) and have tea and canoli. I can't remember what it was made out of but it was really good. Only our guide, the students and my family were able to, none of the other people who were touring the house did. I felt really lucky (Though really I've felt lucky ever since the beginning of the trip). After we ate we left.

Monday, February 22, 2010


On Saturday February 13th we went to see Carnival. Every year the Maltese have a Carnival celebration. (I don't know why yet) The kids like to dress up in costumes and they have a parade with floats and marching bands. We've seen some very elaborate costumes. We spent most of the morning at Carnival and then headed back. We had lunch on the roof and we relaxed for awhile. In the evening Dad and Mom went out to eat and one of the students took us out to see the movie Shorts. We then ate at Pizza Hut.

On Sunday February 14th we had a Valentines party! We spent most of the morning decorating and getting ready. We had lunch and then Annika and Mom baked some delicious cupcakes. Finally the students came. Three students brought valentines and Annika and I handed out ours. Then we had dinner. After dinner I finally got enough students recruited for the "school play!" The students talked for awhile and then gradually left.

The rest of the week was slow but on Saturday night we went out to see the movie Invictus. It was actually pretty good. Then we went to a restaurant called Peppi's. They had really good food.

Yesterday was the normal Sunday walk and the students in flat 13 made dinner.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Festival of St. Paul/Mdina

On Wednesday we went to see the festival of the shipwreck of St. Paul. Sadly the festival was canceled because of the rain. But we did get to see the church of St. Paul's shipwreck. It was heavily decorated with silver. We also saw a huge statue of St. Paul that was made out of wood.

We wandered around a bit and saw a huge library that survived WWII! It was one of the last buildings that the knights of Malta built.But we eventually had to leave because it was cold, windy and rainy. And for some reason Annika got cotton candy. But she did share.

Yesterday was also very busy. We went to Mdina, the old capitol of Malta. The bus ride over there was not fun at all. Dad, Annika, and I had to stand up the entire ride! (Though near the end I found a seat but then let Annika sit in it) We had to sit for awhile when we got off the bus. Mom and the college students met us there.

We then visited the catacombs. They were so totally awesome! I found some stairs that led to a place so dark that some of the students actually had to use their camera flash to see! It was actually kind of creepy. Especially when everyone was quiet. Even some of the students were creeped out! It was also very dusty down there.

We went to a couple other places and then we went to Fontanellas! It's a restaurant that has the best chocolate cake ever!

We then left and went to a glass making place. It was really cool. I also bought Annika a valentines present. We left shortly after that.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our first Saturday

Saturday morning was very busy. First we went to the University of Malta where the college students listened to an hour long speech, I read, and Annika and Dad went for a walk and saw some people marching and playing "Yankee Doodle." After that we went to see two temples that were the oldest man made structures on earth. They certainly looked old. That took up the rest of the morning and the weather was also very pleasant though the ride to and from the temples was not fun at all. It got really hot in there and I got a stomach ache. Annika said she had a headache after the ride. She looked really pale too, though her freckles really showed up. The afternoon was more laid back. We had lunch and then I read for quite awhile, we called some of our friends on Skype. Later we played Monopoly. Since today is Sunday, it was more laid back than the other days of the week. We slept in and then after breakfast we went grocery shopping. We came back and laid around, had lunch, and went for a short walk. It was colder and windier than yesterday, but it was still nice. I certainly am enjoying our stay in Malta.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My First Week in Malta

When I first came to Malta I was very surprised at how warm the weather was. When we left Minnesota the ground was covered in snow, but now when I look out the window I see crowded buildings and warm sunshine! Though the building that my family and I are living in is chilly, I like it not only because I can go up on the roof and have a picnic, but it's also very comfortable. On our first day there my mom took us and the students for a walk by the beach (My mom is leading a group of college students on a semester abroad trip). It was very beautiful. The sea sparkled like silk in the sunshine. The next day we went shopping (Which stunk cause I hate shopping), and on Tuesday and today my sister and I are preparing for the "school play." Since we're missing school, my dad is home-schooling us. Since we're also missing our school plays (We go to different schools) we've decided to do our own "school play." We're trying to recruit some students for the play so we'll see how that goes.